In just 4 weeks, we completely rebranded Motorola from the bottom up, and created a series of films to launch their new suite of products. Using YouTube annotations, the end cards of each film drove viewers to the other pieces of interconnected content. See below for the fruits of a tight timeline and a great team.
Moto G
Moto Hint
Moto Anthem
Moto BTS
"The launch event that Motorola held at its Chicago headquarters Thursday achieved something I didn’t think any other company would ever pull off: It was (holy cats) an Apple-style media event. It was clear, it was efficient, it was on message. And, it introduced a series of products — newborns as well as updates — that left me with the impression that this was a single company capable of speaking with a single message, expressed consistently across multiple products."
Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun Times